Seventh-day Adventist College of Education,

Kwanin Boakye Hall


Message From Hall Wardens

Kwanin Boakye Hall was named after Ps. Dr. Kwame Kwanin Boakye a former President of the Northern Ghana Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the former board chairman of the college.

Kwanin Boakye hall is the premier and maiden hall in the Seventh-day Adventist College of Education, Agona-Ashanti and serves as a permanent hall of residence for both male and female students. The Hall was first occupied by students in October 2014. MpaninfoƆ is what the proud members of the hall are popularly known as.  The Hall believes in community living as an essential part of student life. Thus, provides accommodation for students. Hall members pride themselves on leadership qualities, academic excellence and unity, no wonder OLD MpaninfoƆ are always proud of the hall. It is one of the best halls, if not the very best on campus in terms of academic and sports activities.

The hall has introduced Academic Excellence Awards, which are meant to motivate students in the hall to achieve academic excellence. The hall is also active in sporting activities and emerged as the winner of the trophy in the athletics organised for levels 200 and 300 students during the 2021/2022 academic year. As part of the measures to improve the security of our students, and academic performance and to ensure the provision of an enabling residential facility and environment for their studies and stay, it is the policy of the Hall that, all Hall members are to be present on Campus and participate in all activities of the College. It is therefore an offence for any Hall member to lodge outside the designated places. We entreat hall residents to learn to be respectful to their fellows, members of the hall management team, and college facilities during their stay in the hall.  Kwanin, MpaninfoϽ! God bless you!


Mr. Clement G. Kyere (Male Hall Warden)

Ms. Faustina Kusi (Female Hall Warden)