Seventh-day Adventist College of Education,



Chaplaincy is an important department of the college. It has been an integral part of the college ever since the college was instituted. It exists for counselling, religious and other social activities on campus and sometimes beyond.  Pastor Christenoph Nketia – Yamoah started as the first Chaplain of the College. With time, Pastor C. K Gyamfi, Pastor Emmanuel Kwame Brefo, and Pastor Ezekiel Okofo Boansi have all worked and contributed positively as Chaplains of the college.

The chaplaincy functions as a strengthened repository of the development of the Seventh-Day Adventist Philosophy of Education which seeks to elevate the spiritual, physical and mental powers of every student. Consequently, the department facilitates a good number of activities to realize this vision.



The department is in charge of devotion and services that bring the student closer to God. Except for Saturdays and Sundays, Morning devotion for the College is slated for 6 to 7 am. This is to encourage the student to start the day with God through words of hope and encouragement. From 6 to 7 pm, Wednesdays and Sundays are set aside for prayer and Bible studies respectively. With Wednesday’s prayer meeting, students are presented with the great privilege of submitting their fears, petitions and all prayer request at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. The chaplaincy is privy to the various challenges of students and staff of the college, thus this hour of prayer is a solemn and important service on campus. Sunday Evening Bible Studies is when students get exposed to the sacred and present truths as found in the word of God. As a department, we believe as we near the end of this earth’s history, Biblical Literacy is a treasure that must be appreciated and guided jealously. Sabbath service remains an important aspect of our religious experience. As the day is set aside for religious and holy convocation from sunset to sunset, the day is observed as such on campus.



Although the college has an outfit responsible for guidance and counselling, the Chaplaincy exists to augment this important aspect on campus. The chaplaincy department is certainly not oblivion to the various issues our students deal with on campus. From their academics, social and spiritual burdens the chaplain is always available and within reach to meet students at the point of their needs. This provision is not only limited to the students but it transcends to the entire family of the college. The chaplaincy department does not only seek to touch the lives of students and workers from the pulpit but through internal visitation, offering of prayers and one-on-one engagement.



The Chaplaincy as part of its community and social responsibilities visits a chosen foster home every year to make donations of cash, soft drinks, clothes and other valuables. This is under the auspices of the welfare department of the institutional church. Furthermore, evangelistic activities such as sharing of Bible tracts and dawn broadcasting are facilitated by the chaplaincy.

Through counselling and other spiritual oriented activities, the chaplaincy is committed to liaising with other stakeholders of the college to raise a vibrant army of faithful and trustworthy teachers for our country as this is one of our greatest needs. As Ellen G. White profoundly puts it, “the greatest want of the world is the want of men, men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose character is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though heaven falls”(Education pg. 57).
